ffmpeg into non-free

Fabian Greffrath fabian.greffrath at lycos.de
Tue Jan 29 19:32:45 UTC 2008

Am Sonntag, den 06.01.2008, 09:33 +0100 schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
> Feel free to work on that. Help is very much appreciated on the ffmpeg
> front, since we all are pretty busy with other stuff now. 

I suggest adding a get-orig-source rule to debian/rules which describes
all steps required to produce the tarball in Debian, including the
stripping of the codecs. Users can easily rebuild the tarball  his way
and remove the stripping part if they like.

> Note that the
> archive maintainers will refuse to accept any mpeg based encoder to the
> archive, and we are currently negotiating having them accepted for
> non-free.

Does this mean that there is a chance for lame and xvid to enter the
archive, too?


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