Bug#508768: using vlc-plugin-svgalib seems to persnickity about permissions, kbd ignored

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Tue Apr 28 13:43:26 UTC 2009


2008/12/15 Dallas Legan <aw585 at lafn.org>:
> Package: vlc-plugin-svgalib
> Version: 0.8.6.h-4+lenny2
> Severity: important
> When trying to run vlc using -V svgalib with vlc-plugin-svgalib
> installed, can only run it as root (with no sound),
> or
> su -pc 'vlc --vout svgalib some.mpg '
> in which case it ignores the keyboard while running.
> Setting the vlc binary setuid as root, or trying to run
> with sudo fail.
Could you add -vvv to your command line and attache the log from when
you use it as normal user.

Do you happen to have a squeeze or sid box where you can try -V svgalib


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