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Felipe Sateler fsateler at
Mon Jun 8 13:43:33 UTC 2009

El lunes 8 de junio, Fabian Greffrath escribió:
> Reinhard Tartler schrieb:
> > As for the plan of not stripping ffmpeg anymore: Fabian, are you still
> > working on the text for NEWS.Debian or changelog or whatever? No hurry,
> > let's first get this package accepted, but after that, we can of course
> > tackle the ffmpeg source.
> Please find attached my first draft.

Small typo in the last line: s/ourselfs/ourselves/. Also, it has trailing 
spaces in almost every line.

Other than that, it looks good. It makes a good exposure of the issues and the 
motivations for the change.

I have only one question. Why are source encoders acceptable and binary ones 
aren't? Or is this the same/part of the question you have been asking to 
ftpmaster for a while now?

> Should we upload it to our SVN or
> GIT repositories to make it revisable by all team members?

I would expect all team members to read the list :p

Felipe Sateler
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