next mplayer upload

Fabian Greffrath greffrath at
Mon Jun 8 14:12:04 UTC 2009

Felipe Sateler schrieb:
> Small typo in the last line: s/ourselfs/ourselves/. Also, it has
> trailing spaces in almost every line.

Yes, that's my silly editor. :/

> I have only one question. Why are source encoders acceptable and
> binary ones aren't? Or is this the same/part of the question you
> have been asking to ftpmaster for a while now?

Yes, this is the same question we are asking ourselves and ftp-master
for quite a while now.

> I would expect all team members to read the list :p

Sure, but in a VCS the text could be improved by everyone.

Reinhard Tartler schrieb:
> I like the wording. Where do you want to place it?
> debian/README.Debian? and what do you propose as shortmessage for
> debian/changelog? That will be the first ftp-master will look at.

Yes, this should go into README.Debian (or README.Source?). Some of 
the other paragraphs would have to get improved, though, to not leave 
the content of the file in a contradictory state.

As soon as we upload an unstripped source, we should switch the name 
back from ffmpeg-debian to ffmpeg IMHO. We can describe this in 
debian/changelog like this:

	ffmpeg(4:0.5+svn20090420-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

	* Built from unstripped ffmpeg source code.
	* Renamed source package back to ffmpeg from ffmpeg-debian.
	* Disabled patent encumbered codecs during configure phase 		 
instead of stripping of the source code.

Just an idea...

Christophe Mutricy schrieb:
> ^^^^ Typo

I think the codec is really called MS-MPEG4 ?!

> On my first quick read the first paragraph was not clear. if you read
> too fast, you understand it has been removed but not removed.
> So we might want to reword the last sentence in something like:
> However, please note that only the code calling the codec was removed
> in previous version and no encoder code was actually removed, ....

Very good point.

Dipl.-Phys. Fabian Greffrath

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl für Energieanlagen und Energieprozesstechnik (LEAT)
Universitätsstr. 150, IB 3/134
D-44780 Bochum

Telefon: +49 (0)234 / 32-26334
Fax:     +49 (0)234 / 32-14227
E-Mail:  greffrath at

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