ardour 2.8
Grammostola Rosea
rosea.grammostola at
Tue Mar 31 14:41:00 UTC 2009
Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Grammostola Rosea schrieb:
>> Would be nice if it is possible to install both in Debian, Ardour2
>> and ArdourVst
> Since Debian is not about supporting proprietary closed-source
> third-party plugins at all, it will be very hard to convince people of
> the benefits of packaging a wine-powered windows .exe for this very
> puspose.
Then tell me why wine is in Debian? That doesn't mean Debian should
inlcude apps which works with Wine?
The same counts for Ardour imo. Also LMMS has VST support and is in
Debian right now.
AFAIK everything Ardour 2.8 uses for VST support is open source now.
Kind regards,
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