Fwd: RFS: Scenic 0.6.0 - Telepresence software for live performances and installations

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Sat Jun 12 22:33:21 UTC 2010

[commenting on other parts - missed in my first reply]

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 10:04:22AM -0400, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
>2010/6/11 Jonas Smedegaard <jonas at jones.dk>:
>> Hmm.  There is something weird with the pristine-tar data.
>> Did you use git-import-orig or something custom?
>I first used git-import-orig, but it failed, since I had not set up my 
>gitconfig with my correct user.name and user.email. It failed with a 
>lot of errors. Afterwhile, I tried to fix everything up manually... I 
>signed and did some commits, then I merged upstream into master.

Hmm, ok.

Another time I recommend that if something goes wrong while importing 
upstream source then roll back - i.e. do something like the following:

   gil log # verify if indeed the latest commit should be killed
   git reset --hard HEAD^ 
   git checkout upstream
   gil log # verify if indeed the latest commit should be killed
   git reset --hard HEAD^ 
   git checkout pristine-tar
   gil log # verify if indeed the latest commit should be killed
   git reset --hard HEAD^ 
   git checkout master

It is too late now that you've pushed your changes.

As I wrote in my earlier response, I recommend to do a git-import-orig 
again with same original tarball, on top of this half-baked import.  
That shouldn't cause any harm, just create a bit of add-on commit noise 
and hopefully generate proper release tag.

Oh, and I suggest you have a look at including the CDBS snippet 
upstream-tarball.mk, add hints about upstream tarball location and 
naming to debian/control and try do a get-orig-source.  If interested in 
that (personally I find it one of the coolest snippets - but obviously I 
am biased), then now - before importing again - is an excellent time to 
do it ;-)

>> Are you sure you did not rename a bzip2 tarball or something?
>The upstream tarball is a .tar.gz, not a bz2.

Ok.  That was not the cause then.

>I see there are two tarballs in the pristine-tar branch. I guess I 
>should remove the old one?

No!  Let tarball chunks slowly pile up in pristine-tar - that is by 
design, and we save no space by cleaning up.

>> Oh - maybe it is simply that you need to do a "push --tags".
>Hmm, yes. I did that.
>This caused me some headaches. It seems to be that git-buildpackage 
>should have kept going, or stopped with warnings. Maybe it did: I am 
>still new to git.

My guess is that indeed it stopped with warnings.  But after having 
completed parts of the import.  Here's my understanding of what 
happens during a git-import-orig:

  1. import tarball contents to upstream branch
  2. generate and commit binary diff to pristine-tar branch
  3. tag upstream branch
  4. sync upstream and master branches

Step 3 above probably failed for you, since you used signed tagging but 
had not yet educated your git environment about your name and email.

Oh - if you are new to git, then here's a cool little gem:

  git config --global color.ui auto

Kind regards,

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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