
Matteo F. Vescovi m.vescovi at revese.it
Sat Dec 24 11:07:54 UTC 2011


On 24/12/2011 11:39, Jeremy Salwen wrote:
> Could someone review that I'm doing it correctly?

Disclaimer: I'm not a DD nor a DM. Just a sponsored packager ;-)

Now, my few (cosmetic) notes.

  * Standards-Version: why not trying to upgrade it to actual version?
  * VCS-links should point to debian-related stuff, not upstream

  you need to re-work it all, to be more DEP-5 compliant [1]

  remove all useless commented stuff

  same as rules

I must admit I didn't try to build it, but I guess it should at least 
compile, after 6 months of work on it :-)

Take care and Merry Xmas.


[1] http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/

Ing. Matteo F. Vescovi

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