Duplicate Packages from Debian archive in DMO

Stuart Prescott stuart at nanonanonano.net
Thu Mar 22 13:45:28 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

Hi Andres,

> Thanks. This really helps.

glad to be of assistance :)

> I was going to ask, could you do a query on sid showing the source
> packages available in dmo only and in both debian and dmo? I'm still
> waiting on the import of the udd to my system.

The naive answer to this question would turn up source package names that 
are different between the Debian and dmo archives as dmo has been adding "-
dmo" to source packages to distinguish them from the Debian variant. There 
would also be libav vs ffmpeg differences.

So, I've not actually answered that question directly but instead some 
slightly different ones that I hope are what you really wanted to know:

* What packages are in Debian and dmo that have the same name or have 
"-'dmo" added to them? (Note that ffmpeg-dmo and xbmc-dmo both exist without 
a non-"-dmo" source package existing in Debian)

* What source packages in dmo are building binary packages with the same 
package names as binary packages in Debian?

* What source packages in dmo are building binary packages that are not in 

The third of these questions turns up:

* packages like acroread that I guess will never be in Debian

* various multimedia packages that might one day be in Debian

* variations on multimedia packages that introduce extra binary packages (I 
guess ffmpeg-dmo producing libswresample* and mp4v2-dmo producing mp4-utils 
packages perhaps fall into this category)

* boring soname changes on libraries like x264-dmo producing libx264-122

I suspect that sifting through these different cases probably requires a 
person with knowledge of the Debian packages rather than more SQL.

Results (and SQL) attached. Let me know if there are further queries I can 
help with.


- -- 
Stuart Prescott                 www.nanoNANOnano.net
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

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