Bug#699695: gnome-mplayer: should read and use any mplayer configuration file

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at debian.org
Sun Feb 3 18:19:22 UTC 2013

Control: tags -1 upstream

On 2013-02-03 18:48:48, Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:
> as clarified in  http://bugs.debian.org/699394#39 , gnome-mplayer
> ignores any user-defined setting found in ~/.mplayer/config .
> I don't think this is a good idea: I would like to avoid configuring
> the same program (mplayer) over and over again, just because I use
> it through different interfaces!
> I would like to suggest that gnome-mplayer should read and use
> (or let mplayer read and use) the settings found in ~/.mplayer/config ,
> so that my preferences for mplayer are enforced within gnome-mplayer
> too.

I think "ignore" is the wrong word here. gnome-mplayer just overwrites
some settings and takes no special care of settings in ~/.mplayer/config
when special casing some stuff.

Looking at the source, the video output is the only thing that is
overwritten. The audio output has a "Default" setting, for example.

It might make sense to add a "Default" to the video output settings,

Sebastian Ramacher
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