puredata-0.45.3-2 (was Re: Pd library loading)

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Nov 8 17:13:44 UTC 2013

On 2013-11-07 19:49, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 3:19 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at iem.at> wrote:
>> On 2013-11-07 18:09, Felipe Sateler wrote:
>>> Yes, indeed. However, I can't get it to run. Installing the package
>>> and trying to create an ambi_rot object fails with "couldn't create"
>>> error. FWIW, this happens with the version in unstable too. This is
>>> puredata 0.45.3-1.
>> ah yes.
>> i probably should add a README.Debian that explains that you have to
>> load "iem_ambi" first:
>>> pd -lib iem_ambi
> But the examples have a declare object loading iem_ambi and other
> libs. Isn't that equivalent?


> I suspect pd is far too conservative in library loading. What is the
> rationale for not loading everything in $extralibdir on startup?

this has been discussed at length on the Pd-list, and the general
conclusion was, that Pd should behave as any ordinary programming
language: require the user to explicitly "import" any library.

> I'd rather we fix this by default instead of having to add multiple
> -lib options to the command line of pd invocations.

i still think that having multiple "-lib" options or (manually) adding
multiple libraries to the startup preferences is a feasibly way (and me
being a heavy user of Pd in both work and spare time)

in any case, i do think that the problem really is a bug in the
"puredata-core" package: the "-stdlib" option for the [declare] object
is broken, as it does not load libraries from the (immutable) "standard"
paths (as the name suggests) but only from a path relative to the Pd-binary.
in the debian package this is even more problematic than in the upstream
version, as debian installs into /usr/lib/puredata/ and uses *both*
/usr/lib/puredata/extra and /usr/lib/pd/extra as the "standard" search path.
th efix is, that libraries loaded with [declare -stdlib FOO] are
searched for in all standard-paths (instead of just a single directory).

i have prepared a new package of puredata, that should fix this issue
(and the related issue of the "-stdpath" flag).

the fix has been forwarded to upstream.

i've pushed everything to
i have also uploaded a the package to mentors.d.n:
package page:

i'm only co-maintainer of the package (without upload permissions yet),
and my fellow maintainers (with DD-proviliges) are notoriously

so i'm looking for a sponsor (ping alessio).

i would *also* welcome a sponsoring of the updated pd-iemambi package,
which now includes a README.Debian with usage instruction and a few
abstractions that (together with the Recommended/Suggested packages that
are available in Debian) should make all the help-patches usable (not
the Ambisonic_2d_example.pd though, which still requires the
to-be-packaged pd-iemlib):



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