Please be verbose whether you would like to get your Blend promoted by tasksel

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Thu Aug 28 04:38:34 UTC 2014

Am Mittwoch, den 27.08.2014, 18:16 +0200 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard: 
> Specifically your idea to create a multimedia-codecs: I think few user 
> really wants "all codecs in the FLOSS World" - that's merely the 
> desparate consequence of "all relevant FLOSS codecs installed and 
> properly registered" too often missing.  Let's fix the real problem, not 
> encourage our users to bogusly reframe it.

I have to disagree on this point. I think the mere "I need *all* codecs,
no matter what!" is one of the main motivations for people to visit

I agree, however, that we should have meta-packages installing a
subjective selection of recommended applications for media playback and
production. For example, while the GNOME desktop already has Totem and
Rhythmbox, we could recommend the combination of vlc and audacious (or
mpv and xmms2, or anything else) for non-GNOME, non-KDE desktops.

- Fabian

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