Packaging ardour 4.0

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Mon Apr 20 14:07:31 UTC 2015

Am Montag, den 20.04.2015, 15:49 +0200 schrieb Adrian Knoth: 
> These should indeed be dropped. If you can figure out some magic to do
> this automatically, that would be great. There's automatic
> git-upstream-repackaging in CDBS, I've used it for jackd2, so taking a
> look at jackd2's debian/rules should get you started.

You should be able to use Files-Excluded in debian/copyright in
conjunction with uscan:

> No, I think lintian is wrong here. I have a HiDPI display (2560x1600 on
> 13" screen), and small icons are a pain. OSX (the only OS that has
> properly working HiDPI out of the box) ships icons up to 1024x1024, so
> lintian's 32x32 restriction is a total joke.

This only applies to the Debian menu, i.e. the menu organized by the
debian/*.menu files. This still needs 32x32 icons in XPM format. This
does not affect the icons that are displayed e.g. in Gnome Shell.

> Is it already possible to have SVG logos?

Yes, for .desktop files, i.e. the ones that are used to show icons in
e.g. Gnome Shell, you can use SVG graphics or high-res PNG graphics.



PS: Please don't do version numbering stunts just to get rid of the
epoch, it's really not worth the trouble. ;)

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