Looking for uploader: qstopmotion

Adrian Knoth adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Mon Nov 14 20:44:18 UTC 2016

On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 10:12:32AM +0100, Michael Stapelberg wrote:


> >    https://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-multimedia/qstopmotion.git
> I have a couple of comments which I’d like to see addressed before I can
> upload the package :)
>    - Can you make the package largely lintian clean please? My config is at


>    and debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature might not be feasible. But can
>    hardening be turned on?

I think hardening defaults to on as of dh-compat 9, at least in
conjunction with cmake. I do see the corresponding compiler flags set.

>    - Is it common in pkg-multimedia to not use pristine-tar? If there’s no

Nope, was an oversight. Fixed.

>    - Given that it takes multiple minutes to compile, can the package be
>    built with --parallel?

It can. At least it will if DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is set to parallel=X. Do
you suggest to set it explicitly in debian/rules? Or do the buildds set
it automatically?

>    - Can you forward cmake-gphoto2.patch to upstream please?
>    - Could you bump debian/compat to 10 please?

All done.

I had a mistake in the initial import (debian.patch in upstream branch),
which is why I had to re-set the corresponding branch (read: I re-wrote
history - bad, I know, but fortunately no other users, yet).

In other words: git pull won't work, better start over with git clone.


mail: adi at thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

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