Bug#857309: kodi: 'kodi' user does not exist

Jonathan Michalon johndescs at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 14:53:39 UTC 2017

As a hint to other people who could read this:

On Mon, 13 Mar 2017 22:23:24 +0100 Moritz Schmidt
<moritz+debian at mmnx.de> wrote:
> Yeah, a debconf question would be wonderful! I think that many prefer
> to just hit yes instead of setting it up on your own with all the
> hassle, but maybe I'm just lazy.

Also, having the unit installed is kind of misleading, as if it was
saying "hey, I'm ready!". Leaving it in the example directory would be
better probably, alongside with a quick notice in the readme with
example adduser command and a reminder to not forget the audio group
(spent stupidly 30 minutes on this right before…).
Also I needed to go back to root-Xorg in my case (Xwrapper.config).

> > AFAIK the kodi-systemd-service way is preferred on constrained
> > systems where running even lightdm would waste too much memory,
> > but I have just found nodm [2] which could also help here.
> If you don't have to - why would you want to use a DM? The 
> kodi-systemd-service starts kodi via xinit so why would you need that
> on a standalone-system?

Yeah seems much simpler without. I use it on a server, so no need to
stack more stuff.

Now it works nicely for me, thanks for the packaging :)


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