[debian-mysql] Distro packaging of MySQL, Community vs. Enterprise
Colin Charles
colin at mysql.com
Tue Sep 18 15:25:55 UTC 2007
Christian Hammers wrote:
>> I hope that you could each state your future plans for packaging of
>> MySQL on the list, and perhaps by standing together, we can help the
>> management of MySQL to reach a better plan that helps their own future,
>> without shutting the door on the community.
> We've discussed this in several mails with more than one MySQL employee
> since shortly before they made the split publically and made our concerns
> and wishes clear. Now we wait and see for some months how they evolve and
> stick with the community version for our next release.
Thank you very much for this. This is how most distributions seem to
feel - sticking with the Community Edition is the way to go
In fact, with added features, there really seems to be no reason as to
why you wouldn't
thanks and kind regards
Colin Charles, Community Relations Manager, APAC
MySQL AB, Melbourne, Australia, www.mysql.com
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