[debian-mysql] The libmysqlclient issue in a nutshell

Norbert Tretkowski norbert at tretkowski.de
Fri Feb 11 12:37:27 UTC 2011

Hi Clint,

thanks for the summary.

Am Freitag, den 11.02.2011, 04:16 -0800 schrieb Clint Byrum:
> We've discussed it briefly on the ubuntu-devel list and agreed that
> 5.5's libmysqlclient16 packages would be unsuitable, and so, will not be
> built or used. When they've figured out their soname issues, we can use
> them. Until then, 5.5 will be "the other mysql" and not in Ubuntu main.
> One would only get it by installing mysql-server-5.5 not mysql-server.
> Does this sound workable for Debian unstable for the time being as well?

I am thinking about uploading MySQL 5.5 to experimental, but I will
definitely keep MySQL 5.5 out of unstable (and testing as a consequence)
until the libmysqlclient issues are sorted out.

Regarding MySQL 5.5 for Debian experimental, it sounds fine for me.



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