[debian-mysql] Bug#745135: Top 10 reasons you should sponsor MariaDB 10.0 into Debian this weekend (Re: Bug#745135: RFS: mariadb-10.0/10.0.13-1 [ITP] -- Latest version of worlds most popular non-Oracle database)

Tobias Frost tobi at frost.de
Tue Sep 23 19:49:28 UTC 2014

Hi Otto,

(as said, huge package, so I won't make a complete review in one run; as
usual when I review, here's an unsorted list of things I saw.
When I write "nitpick" that means that I leave it up you if you'd like
to act.)

- one patch has some fuzzyness -- maybe you should quilt refresh it:
Applying patch 38_scripts__mysqld_safe.sh__signals.diff
patching file scripts/mysqld_safe.sh
Hunk #3 succeeded at 794 (offset 1 line).

- I'd recommend to continue the numbering scheme with the patches you
add, for the symmetrie of things (nitpick)

- Debconf-po Maybe also start an call for translations again. (nitpick;
we can always do an subsequent upload when new translations come in)

- Please line-wrap README.Maintainer. It might be that the content
should be also reviewed, to see if it is still applicable (like the 5.5
references, the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, the gbp branch layout is already well
described via the gbp.conf and as the gbp is now quite standard, the
description how to import a new version might also be not needed.
(mostly nitpick, but it should be at least updated to a 10.0 scenario)
(Probably you could just let this file go.)

- autobake-deb.sh.. Might be also an deletion candidate...

- d/control: Are "Uploaders" up to date? I wonder, because there is a DD
listed which contradicts the need for sponsorship.

- d/control: Standard-Version: Policy 3.9.6 has just been released.. Can
you update?

- d/control: I'd add to mariadb-test as short description what is the
test package about.. To avoid the need that the user has to perform an
extra search to find out; same with -client and -server.
Can be as short as e.g "mariadb-10.0-test is the regression test suite
for mariadb"

- d/copyright: It refers to a README.Source which does not exists.
(beside that, I did not a d/copyright review; so thats a TODO)

(ok, stopping for today as today was quite long, will continue probably


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