[debian-mysql] Bug#804992: mysql-server-5.6: Please drop dependency on initscripts package

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Jul 4 17:42:32 UTC 2016

Control: tags -1 - pending

On Wed, 22 Jun 2016 16:39:58 +0200 Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> wrote:
> Control: tag -1 pending
> Robie Basak [2016-03-07 12:07 +0000]:
> > Thanks for doing that research. We're working on 5.7 at the moment, and
> > I've dropped the dependency in my local branch but not pushed it yet. So
> > this should get fixed in testing and unstable soon, when we upload 5.7.
> Just asked Robie on IRC and he pushed the change:
>   https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mysql-5.7.git/commit/debian/control?id=c0fe97a83
> (for 5.7, 5.6 will be removed)

Hm, that repository is gone.
What's the state of this bug report? Seeing that 5.6 still got updates
after this bug report was filed, maybe it makes sense to also include
the fix in 5.6, just in case.

Given the above, I'm removing the pending tag for now.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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