[debian-mysql] mysql-5.7 remove dojo patch

Lars Tangvald lars.tangvald at oracle.com
Tue Nov 8 11:45:11 UTC 2016

On 11/08/2016 12:31 PM, Robie Basak wrote:
> Hi Bjoern,
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 11:10:10AM +0000, Bjoern Boschman wrote:
>> there's a option to repack upstream source.
>> I've created a branch that would include these changes:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mysql.git/log/?h=mysql-5.7/repack-no-ndb-frontend
>> What do you and the rest of the team think about this approach?
> Thank you for proposing the branch!
> Repacking causes some additional pain for various reasons (eg. cannot
> necessarily reproduce the same bit-identical tarball, so really only a
> DD uploader should be producing it, so it can't be committed to the VCS
> in advance since an uploader cannot be sure it isn't trojaned without
> tedious verification). It's easier to stick to the upstream's release
> tarball when possible.
> So I'd prefer to avoid repacking, which is why we tried to do it with
> quilt in the first place IIRC. Technically AFAIK these files aren't
> actually non-DSFG to redistribute so are permitted to be part of the
> Debian source package; we just don't want them to form part of the
> binary packages for policy reasons ("binaries must be buildable from
> source that is non-minified", etc).
> OTOH, if maintaining the quilt patch (and lintian overrides, etc) is
> really becoming painful, then I'm fine with resorting to repacking if we
> have to do it. And your use of Files-Excluded in debian/copyright is the
> way I'd expect it to be done in this case - thanks.
> If you do push this, then please don't push the pristine-tar branch to
> VCS yourself any more since then the first uploader of a particular
> upstream version will have to spend extra effort verifying it.
> That's my opinion anyway. I'd prefer not to do it this way, but if the
> only people maintaining the exclusions want it this way, then fine.
> Lars, what's your opinion?
As you say, I don't think the files themselves are a violation (the 
source for the minified js and swf files is also present, but the 
compiled files cause a mess of lintian errors).
The biggest pain points of the patch are that it's really big, as Bjoern 
mentioned, and that we can't actually patch out the swf files, so we 
still get a few lintian errors. It's ugly, but I don't think it's a huge 
problem. The change itself looks good to me as well, though I'd also 
like to avoid repacking if possible. I can try another round of queries 
upstream to see if there's any chance of removing these files in future 
versions, and if that's a no we can revisit this?

> Please could you keep debian/changelog changes in separate commits
> though please? This makes cherry-picking easier. IOW, don't change
> debian/changelog in anything but its own commit, and there's no need to
> update debian/changelog except before upload (we'll use git-dch to
> create changelog entries from git commit logs). We had a thread about
> this a while back.
> Robie

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