[debian-mysql] Bug#914188: Bug#914188: mariadb-server: Upgrade faild due to 'unknown variable': 'server_audit_file_path=/path/to/audit.log'

Marco M. F. De Santis marco at digitaldruid.net
Wed Nov 28 17:29:42 GMT 2018

Hello Faustin,

Il 28/11/18 16:10, Faustin Lammler ha scritto:
> @Marco, I can't see where you activated the plugin in the conf you
> provided?
> May I ask you both to give me the result of:
> $ sudo grep -r server_audit.so /etc/

The result was empty. Probably once the plugin is enabled from mysql 
prompt it gets loaded afterwards (to that may refer the documentation 
you reported where it says "the audit plugin has been
loaded at least once before").

Once I added the line "plugin_load=server_audit=server_audit.so" in the 
configuration (before other server audit variables) I got this error 
when restarting mysql:

2018-11-28 16:12:24 140583061729728 [ERROR] Plugin 'server_audit' 
already installed

Before no errors were reported and the plugin was working normally. So I 
issued this from mysql prompt:

UNINSTALL PLUGIN server_audit;

and now the error is gone when restarting the server with audit plugin 
loaded in configuration files.

I think that when enabling the plugin from mysql prompt it should be 
either disabled when restarting the server or not give an error when 
upgrading the package.

I've searched my mysql history for the command that may have enabled the 
plugin and the only one I found is this one (or maybe it was not stored 
in history):

SET GLOBAL server_audit_events='CONNECT,TABLE';

This document for example gives the third alternative to enable the 
audit plugin from the mysql client:


Thank you and best regards,

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