[debian-mysql] MariaDB 10.6 for Debian packaged

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 5 16:23:48 GMT 2021

On Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 08:29:33AM -0700, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Yes, there has been discussions to drop the version specific suffixes.
> They have been in the packaging since the start (inherited from MySQL)
> but I rarely hear people using them. I think there was a Debian bug
> and/or upstream MDEV about this effort, but can't find it right now.

We have in the past simultaneously carried two versions, in Ubuntu at
least, in a single release. However I don't think this is a good idea
and want to avoid doing it again, so I agree that for both MySQL and
MariaDB, ideally most the binary packages names would not be versioned
any more.

The exceptions would have to be the ones that ship shared objects (eg.
libmysqlclient20 and MariaDB equivalents) and therefore also the source
package name. But even keeping those, the naming for all the other
packages could become significantly simpler, and that would help with
keeping the Conflicts relationships between MySQL and MariaDB packaging

IOW, it would be a good change to make, and I don't believe there are
any blockers to doing it. I also can't think of any reason why MySQL and
MariaDB packaging couldn't do this independently (ie. one does not need
to wait for the other).


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