[Pkg-nagios-devel] Welcome :)

sean finney seanius@seanius.net
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 02:41:47 -0500

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On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 08:19:20AM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Its in there since:
> apache ( unstable; urgency=low
>   - Added /etc/apache{-ssl,perl}/conf.d support (Closes: #192489, #112553)

oh, great.  i thought i had read on some mailing list that this behavior
wasn't going to be brought into apache.  it seems i've mis-remembered.

> I would say: enabled medium, default true. If one installs a thing it
> should be enabled, thats why you install it?!

okay.  if we don't have to muck with a config file but instead can
plop down a symlink, i think that's fine.

> The second one would let him choose Apache{-SSL|-Perl}, Apache2 or All
> of them, if we want to seperate it.

or we could use a multi-select and let them mix and match

> Ill think it has some errors in it, so please only on a test machine you
> like to kill. :)

that would be my laptop.  worst case scenario i have a local mirror :)

> And debian/rules is still way to complicated, the install target at
> least. And the one patch-default-foo thingie.

yeah, it's not that effecient either.  half of the stuff it's compiling
could be compiled only once and copied into the other build dirs.  but
let's get it ship shape before we start trying to optimize it.

good morning and night,

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