[Pkg-nagios-devel] Welcome :)
Joerg Jaspert
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:42:56 +0100
- Previous message: [Pkg-nagios-devel] nagios/patches 00list,NONE,1.1 01_fix_postgresql_path.dpatch,NONE,1.1 02_reasonable_config.dpatch,NONE,1.1 03_no_service_depends.dpatch,NONE,1.1 04_command_pipe_move.dpatch,NONE,1.1 05_fix_script_errors.dpatch,NONE,1.1 06_makefile.in_delete_defaults.dpatch,NONE,1.1 999_cvs_1x_bugfixes.dpatch,NONE,1.1 001_fix-postgresql-include-paths,,NONE 002_resonable-configuration,,NONE 003_no-service-depends,,NONE 004_commandpipe-path,,NONE 005_script-errors,,NONE 006_Makefile.in-no_defaults,,NONE 100_nagios-1-x-bugfixes,,NONE
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As you noticed the mailinglist now works.
At the moment we are (all people that mentioned their account to be added):
Myself :)
I dont know if turbo still wants to participate a bit in the devel, but
reading the O: i dont think so. :)
Ok, you all are added to the Alioth Project pkg-nagios now, you have CVS
CVS works too, use
export CVS_RSH=3Dssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:YOURLOGIN@cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/pkg-nagios co nagios
to get your working copy of it. I only imported the debian/ (the version
From=20the packages in the archive) as it is enough. If we change upstream
we use patches, so we dont need it in CVS IMO.
I do some work today, including updating control with the new maintainer
data, converting to dpatch, updating stuff as needed, ...
Some small rules that we should follow to ease the teamwork:
=2D Changelog should always make clear who did the change.
Ie. use entries like
* Joerg Jaspert:
- did foo, then bar.
- removed bar, added baz.
* Another one:
- delete baz.
=2D Never break the package. :)
=2D The one who uploads should update the date/time info in the
changelog. Ive seen some uploads happening weeks after that entry just
because noone changed it.
=2D use cvs tag for the releases we upload.
For every upload.
Format for the tags like v_version, eg. the current 2:1.2-3.6 would be
v_2_1_2-3_6 as a tag. (Yes, replacing : and . with :)
The rest should be the normal "Hey, we are a team, not a single person
doing the stuff" rules everyone should know. :)
bye Joerg
<doogie_> linux takes shit and turns it into something useful.
<doogie_> windows takes something useful and turns it into shit
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Comment: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org> -- Debian Developer
- Previous message: [Pkg-nagios-devel] nagios/patches 00list,NONE,1.1 01_fix_postgresql_path.dpatch,NONE,1.1 02_reasonable_config.dpatch,NONE,1.1 03_no_service_depends.dpatch,NONE,1.1 04_command_pipe_move.dpatch,NONE,1.1 05_fix_script_errors.dpatch,NONE,1.1 06_makefile.in_delete_defaults.dpatch,NONE,1.1 999_cvs_1x_bugfixes.dpatch,NONE,1.1 001_fix-postgresql-include-paths,,NONE 002_resonable-configuration,,NONE 003_no-service-depends,,NONE 004_commandpipe-path,,NONE 005_script-errors,,NONE 006_Makefile.in-no_defaults,,NONE 100_nagios-1-x-bugfixes,,NONE
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