Bug#303422: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#303422: nagios: Error: Could not lock status data tables in database ''
Chris Teachworth
Chris Teachworth <cteachworth@gmail.com>, 303422@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:26:42 -0800
If it not reproducible it's likely it's something I'm doing. It
doesn't appear to be causing any issues in functionality it's just
driving me a bit nutty by writing that message to the log repeatedly
like that.
I checked the status tables (programstatus,hoststatus, and
servicestatus) in the db and they're all being populated with data
from nagios so I'm not sure what, if anything is failing when I get
that message about the status data tables.
The only things I thought I needed or even could do in the nagios.cfg
for database support was to comment out the lines that referred to the
files nagios would use if database support was not being used. ie from
Here's the permissions of the files in /etc/nagios:
/etc/nagios# ls -l
total 144
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 1139 Feb 17 08:37 apache.conf
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 13185 Apr 7 09:58 cgi.cfg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nagios www-data 2349 Apr 7 10:13 check_nagios_db
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 292 Feb 17 08:37 checkcommands.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 765 Apr 5 20:37 contactgroups.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 1395 Apr 5 22:42 contacts.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 1808 Apr 5 16:37 dependencies.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 2049 Apr 5 20:38 escalations.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 2251 Apr 6 07:59 hostgroups.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 6867 Apr 6 07:59 hosts.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 26 Mar 31 02:44 htpasswd.users
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 13544 Mar 8 16:05 minimal.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 4250 Mar 8 16:05 misccommands.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 21441 Apr 6 16:27 nagios.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 2990 Apr 7 09:58 resource.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 20647 Apr 6 08:02 services.cfg
drwxr-x--x 2 nagios www-data 4096 Mar 31 02:44 stylesheets
-rw-r----- 1 nagios www-data 1589 Mar 8 16:05 timeperiods.cfg
I setup the references to xsddb in cgi.cfg and resource.cfg
Here's an fgrep for every line that contains xsddb in /etc/nagios/*:
/etc/nagios# fgrep xsddb *
check_nagios_db: if (/^xsddb_host=(.+)/) { $dbhost = $1; next; };
check_nagios_db: if (/^xsddb_port=(.+)/) { $dbport = $1; next; };
check_nagios_db: if (/^xsddb_database=(.+)/) { $dbname = $1; next; };
check_nagios_db: if (/^xsddb_username=(.+)/) { $dbuser = $1; next; };
check_nagios_db: if (/^xsddb_password=(.+)/) { $dbpass = $1; next; };
If you've got any ideas I'd love to hear 'em.
Thanks for your help Sean,
On Apr 6, 2005 3:44 PM, sean finney <seanius@debian.org> wrote:
> tags moreinfo
> tags unreproducible
> thanks
> hi chris,
> On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 07:41:44AM -0800, Chris Teachworth wrote:
> > The following error is writtent to /var/log/syslog and /var/log messages once
> > every minute:
> >
> > Error: Could not lock status data tables in database ''
> are you sure you have all the information supplied in each place in
> each file? there's like a total of 8 different places you have to specify
> it (4 in each file--a pain, i know). i can't reproduce the problem
> after specifying it in each place and restarting nagios.
> something else to verify is that the file permissions allow the users
> nagios and www-data to read the files.
> > I followed all of the instructions in README.Debian and README.mysql from the
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-mysql dir and verfied that the user I'm specifying in
> > /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg for the xsddb_database has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
> > and LOCK privileges on the nagios database.
> and also in nagios.cfg? sorry to be a pain about this but i can't
> reproduce it.
> sean
> --