Bug#303422: [Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#303422: nagios: Error: Could not lock status data tables in database ''
sean finney
sean finney <seanius@debian.org>, 303422@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 21:37:07 -0400
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hi chris,
On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 10:26:42AM -0800, Chris Teachworth wrote:
> If it not reproducible it's likely it's something I'm doing. It
> doesn't appear to be causing any issues in functionality it's just
> driving me a bit nutty by writing that message to the log repeatedly
> like that.
hmm... there doesn't happen to be a second nagios process running in
some kind of wierd hung state, does there? if you stop nagios, are
there still any nagios processes running? what version of mysql
are you using?
> Here's the permissions of the files in /etc/nagios:
that looks right...
> If you've got any ideas I'd love to hear 'em.
what's mysql say about:
show grants for nagios@localhost;
? flush privileges? i'm sure you've already tried those...
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