[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios SNMP plugins

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Tue Dec 5 15:18:13 CET 2006

On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 14:15 +0100, Jan Wagner wrote:
> Looking deeper, I realized, that I need to check all partitions 
> with "check_snmp", which isn't what we need. "check_snmp_storage" from 
> http://www.manubulon.com/nagios/ seems more what I`m searching. If I would 
> package nagios-snmp-plugins, are there any guildlines how todo?

i don't think that there are explicitly written guidelines, apart from
things should work cleanly and as much "out of the box" as possible.

imho, that means that the plugins should drop their configuration where
it will automatically be registered (/etc/nagios-plugins/config, or
arranging with nagios/nagios2 for a new default location to search),
and in a way such that it doesn't conflict with any existing definitions
(either file locations or check_command definitions).

and i suppose the command definitions should support the most common
ways of being called (different variants of the same cmdline for
different uses, etc)

anyway, if you're interested in putting some time in on this
before/during/after your work assignment on nagios, let me know and i'll
add you to the pkg-nagios group and set up some svn space for you.

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