[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios SNMP plugins

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Tue Dec 5 15:38:37 CET 2006

On Tuesday 05 December 2006 15:18, you wrote:
> i don't think that there are explicitly written guidelines, apart from
> things should work cleanly and as much "out of the box" as possible.
> imho, that means that the plugins should drop their configuration where
> it will automatically be registered (/etc/nagios-plugins/config, or
> arranging with nagios/nagios2 for a new default location to search),
> and in a way such that it doesn't conflict with any existing definitions
> (either file locations or check_command definitions).
> and i suppose the command definitions should support the most common
> ways of being called (different variants of the same cmdline for
> different uses, etc)

Okay .. I´ll see what I can do.

> anyway, if you're interested in putting some time in on this
> before/during/after your work assignment on nagios, let me know and i'll
> add you to the pkg-nagios group and set up some svn space for you.

I did send a request on alioth. ATM I'm working with my own svn tree, but if 
this will make (team-)work more easier thats also fine.

I'll look a bit deeper into nagios-snmp-plugins and going straight and testing 
it here. Maybe you can review it, if its in good shape. :)

Thanks and with kind regards, Jan.
Write never mails to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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