[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios SNMP plugins

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sun Dec 10 11:27:50 CET 2006

hi sean,

On Sunday 10 December 2006 10:15, sean finney wrote:
> this is a good question, i'm not so sure.
> my gut tells me that the best way to package them would be to package
> them together as long as they have the same kinds of requirements (that
> is, taking the manubulon snmp plugins and any other 3rd-party snmp-using
> plugins and placing them in the same package.  if there were other
> plugins that had extra dependancies, we'd have to decide whether or
> not we should have yet another package too.

nagios-snmp-plugins depends on "${perl:Depends}, libnet-snmp-perl, perl-base 
(>= 5.8.4-8)" so we should stay with that.
but the problem is, if we decide to package (perl-)plugin from different 
sources into one package in depency of the package depencies, we might have 
many packages with a small number of plugins or as alternative one package 
with all plugins and couple of depencies.
the question is, which is prefered?

with kind regards, jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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