[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios SNMP plugins

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Sun Dec 10 12:41:40 CET 2006

On Sun, 2006-12-10 at 11:27 +0100, Jan Wagner wrote:
> nagios-snmp-plugins depends on "${perl:Depends}, libnet-snmp-perl, perl-base 
> (>= 5.8.4-8)" so we should stay with that.
> but the problem is, if we decide to package (perl-)plugin from different 
> sources into one package in depency of the package depencies, we might have 
> many packages with a small number of plugins or as alternative one package 
> with all plugins and couple of depencies.
> the question is, which is prefered?

yes, getting overly agressive with splitting things off won't do much
apart from angering the ftp-masters :)

with the "official" plugins, we seperated out the plugins which were
either highly essential for nagios (check_ping), or had no dependencies
outside of the debian base system (not counting openssl).  those go into
nagios-plugins-basic, and then we lumped "everything else" into
nagios-plugins-standard, which has dependencies going in all different

so one suggestion, depending on how many plugins outside of manubulon
at which you're looking:


all the third party plugins that make use of snmp


any other plugins, with whatever dependencies they might have

and later on, if there are enough third party plugins that depend
on some other feature/library, they could be split out as well.

or, you could lump them all in a single package for now (but then you
should retitle it so it's clear it's not just snmp plugins), and wait
until some later time to split out the plugins into seperate packages.

ultimately, i think it depends on the number of plugins and the
footprint of their dependancies.

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