[Pkg-nagios-devel] Test packages of nagios3, ndoutils and PNP

Sven Velt sven at velt.de
Fri Mar 23 15:11:54 CET 2007


I built some packages for a test setup, maybe someone here is interested
in them. There's a lot of work to do on the packages (at least
testing!), so these are at the moment NOT for uploading them to Debian.

You can get them on http://people.teamix.net/~svelt/debian/etch/

All three packages work well for the last ~2 weeks in my test setup with
~50 hosts and ~300 services.

The packages:

- Nagios 3.0a1 - *VERY* much copy&paste and find/replace of the
  excellent ;-), official Nagios 2 package

- NDOUtils 1.4b2 - Just to have them in an package[1]

- Nagios PNP - Another (but IMHO wonderful ;-) perfdata2rrd tool and
  some additional tools[2]

[1] Sorry, Hendrik, I haven't seen/realized your ITP before packaging
    the ndoutils! 

[2] I'm willing to maintain PNP in Debian as it is my/our "standard" for
    perfomance data. But I'm not sure if you want it in pkg-nagios CVS
    on alioth. I know the author (Jörg Linge) and he ack'ed on seeing
    PNP in Debian.

Please send me a message if you test/use them or if you find a bug!



Leukämie     -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuk%C3%A4mie
Heilung      -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knochenmark#Knochenmarkspende
Typisierung  -> http://www.knochenmarkspende.de/html/reg_akb.php
Warum&Fragen -> sven at velt.de
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