[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#491233: Bug#491233: nagios-plugins: check_ldap should use version 3 of slapd protocol

Michel Grentzinger mic.grentz at online.fr
Mon Jul 21 06:24:26 UTC 2008

Le dimanche 20 juillet 2008, Jan Wagner a écrit :
> We have no data how many installations uses check_ldap (with checking
> against ldapv2), but breaking default behavior is bad (and this may the
> reason upstream didn't do it).

I'm agree with you for this point !

> Anyways ... when installing a check against a ldap server leads you to have
> a look into /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ldap.cfg (hopefully). If you see
> there also a check_ldap(s)3 check, I guess you will imagine, that there is
> a different to the 'normal' check and investigate further and then choose
> the correct check for your existing ldap server.
> So I consider strongly to add additional checks for testst against ldapv3.

Ok. But for the future, is there any other solution ?

We have 3 solutions :
- check both v2 and v3 in tne main scirpt check_ldap,
- add a check_ldap3,
- add a argument to check_ldap,
- create a script which migrate old Nagios installation and change v2 to v3 is 
LDAP uses v3 (allow bind_v2 is not present).

I have a preference for the first of them. Could we have the opinion of Nagios 
packaging team ?


> Unfortunatly we are to late to fix it in lenny, since today was announced
> to freeze the archive in general next week and migrating the package from
> unstable to testing takes 10 days (or more).

Waooo ;-) That's a good news !
Michel Grentzinger
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