[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#491233: Bug#491233: nagios-plugins: check_ldap should use version 3 of slapd protocol

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sun Jul 20 20:51:02 UTC 2008

On Sunday 20 July 2008 22:17, Michel Grentzinger wrote:
> I do not know how long LDAP use protocol version 3 , but I spent a lot of
> time because of this problem ! In my Debian Etch, version 3 is used !
> Also my LDAP installation haven't this option set :
> # allow bind_v2
> Please change the default protocol as it's now the default in LDAP. Note
> this causes any data lost, just some warnings and notifications. You can
> also add a another check command : I don't know which is the best.

We have no data how many installations uses check_ldap (with checking against 
ldapv2), but breaking default behavior is bad (and this may the reason 
upstream didn't do it).
Anyways ... when installing a check against a ldap server leads you to have a 
look into /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ldap.cfg (hopefully). If you see there 
also a check_ldap(s)3 check, I guess you will imagine, that there is a 
different to the 'normal' check and investigate further and then choose the 
correct check for your existing ldap server.
So I consider strongly to add additional checks for testst against ldapv3.

Unfortunatly we are to late to fix it in lenny, since today was announced to 
freeze the archive in general next week and migrating the package from 
unstable to testing takes 10 days (or more).

With kind regards, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
Version: 3.1
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