[Pkg-nagios-devel] NDOutils in squeeze

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Thu Sep 30 08:44:50 UTC 2010

Dear Mehdi,

On Wednesday 29 September 2010 22:30:04 Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> On 09/29/2010 08:40 PM, Jan Wagner wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 29. September 2010, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> >>> * ndoutils is in lenny but dropped with squeeze (maybe without
> >>> any strong reason)
> >>
> >> Never assume that! It was rc-buggy (#560681, causing some
> >> data-loss) and that's why it was removed. Its maintainer didn't try
> >> to get it back in testing. It has been out of testing for over than
> >> 7 months now...
> >
> > 1.4b7-11 (which is also in stable) was removed at 2010-02-07. 1.4b9-1
> > was uploaded at 2010-02-17 which fixed the problem. So I don't see a
> > reason for keeping it out of squeeze.
> That would have been possible until one month after the freeze. Now,
> it's too late.

Sorry, I don't get the reason behind your "decision". ndoutils is ~7 mounth in 
unstable without any problem, so it's mature enought for a stable release (the 
rc-buggy version is in stable anyways).

On Wednesday 29 September 2010 15:28:09 Alexander Wirt wrote:
> Mehdi Dogguy schrieb am Wednesday, den 29. September 2010:
> > >* nagvis is broken (missing recommand)
> >
> > That doesn't mean that nagvis is broken, since it only recommends
> > ndoutils-mysql. If it's a real runtime non-optional dependency, it makes
> > nagvis RC buggy.
> nagvis can use several backends, currently ndoutils-mysql is the only one
> that is available in debian.
> > >* ndoutils is in lenny but dropped with squeeze (maybe without any
> > >strong reason)
> >
> > Never assume that! It was rc-buggy (#560681, causing some data-loss) and
> > that's why it was removed. Its maintainer didn't try to get it back in
> > testing. It has been out of testing for over than 7 months now...
> The maintainer is more or less MIA - we (as nagios team) now took over.
> Shouldn't the package get automatically back into testing if the RC bug
> fixed?
> > >* many 3rd party applications are based on ndoutils, so this will
> > >have a significant effect for the nagios "ecosystem" on squeeze
> >
> > Nothing depends on it (unless I'm on crack), so how its removal can
> > have a significant effect for the nagios "ecosystem" in Squeeze?
> Most 3rd party reporting tools and most homebrew thingys around that use
> ndo.
> > >* popcon count is 235
> >
> > Which is not high...
> It means that at least 20% of all nagios3 installations have it. Which
> isn't that less.

I would support the argumentation of Alex here and recommand to review it!

I'm looking forward to a solution for our nagios user to release squeeze with 
ndoutils, as it means that we are actualy releasing without a central 
component of the Nagios Environment. 

Thanks and with kind regards, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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