[Pkg-nagios-devel] [SRM] nagvis upload for stable?
Alexander Reichle-Schmehl
alexander at schmehl.info
Thu Sep 8 09:28:40 UTC 2011
[ resending with corrected e-mail address; sorry if you get the mail
twice ]
I just joined the pkg-nagios team and am now taking care of the nagvis
package, which is in a less than ideal state in the current release.
(I'm sorry, I NMUed the version in stable, but didn't noticed all
I'd like to address the following problems:
#620037 - serious piuparts bug; package fails to purge
#611909 - Missing path for "gadgets" in created configuration
#632333 - Apache configuration error (Option FollowSymLinks)
The last three are of severity important, but as the point of nagvis is
to visualise nagios one could argue for each of them, if they aren't
serious by themself, by rendering parts of the package useless.
The fix for #620037 is in debian/postrm:
- ucf --debconf-ok --purge /etc/nagvis/$file
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/ucf ] ; then
+ ucf --debconf-ok --purge /etc/nagvis/$file
+ fi
The fix for #611909 is basically in debian/patches/config.dpatch:
(Adding an additional parth to the configuration file via already
existing dpatch patch.)
The fix for #632333 is in debian/apache.conf:
+# the FollowSymlinks option is only considere in a directory section, not
+# in a DirectoryMatch section. Setting it here.
+<Directory /usr/share/nagvis/htdocs>
+ Options FollowSymLinks
If possible, I'd also like to fix an unreported bug I just noticed
today: Documentation isn't installed.
The fix for that problem is quite easy, too: in debian/install:
+docs /usr/share/doc/nagvis
and in debian/apache.conf:
+Alias /nagvis/docs /usr/share/doc/nagvis/docs
And finnally, I'd like to address #626456 a little bit, by adding that
to the README.Debian file.
Entire debdiff is attached.
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Name: nagvis-1:1.4.6-1.1+squeeze1.debdiff
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