[Pkg-nagios-devel] ITP: shinken -- Monitoring tool

David Hannequin david.hannequin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 07:10:24 UTC 2011


Sorry for the late reponse. I am interested in working with pkh-nagios group on Shinken package. I have ain account on Alioth and package is avaible here

Best regard

Le 12/09/2011 07:44, Alexander Wirt a écrit :
> Dmitrijs Ledkovs schrieb am Thursday, den 08. September 2011:
>> Dear all,
>> shinken looks very interesting and I'd love to play around with it.
>> Pkg-nagios-devel is already packaging nagios, icinga, and related
>> tools, maybe pkg-nagios-devel is better place for shinken? (even
>> though it's written in python)
> indeed it is. AFAIK (correct me if I am wrong) some parts of shinken are
> still nagios compatible. So it would be best if the package is tracked in
> pkg-nagios-devel and that it follows the usual nagios packaging guidelines
> (like the nagios user, homedir of the user and so on). We already invited the
> package on the ITP [1] to our group, unfourtunatly there never was an answer.
> Alex
> [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/10/msg00037.html
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