[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#665845: Bug#665845: nagios-nrpe: postrm removes /var/lib/nagios which might still be used by other packages

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Tue Apr 17 20:19:55 UTC 2012


> The postrm of at least both of the nagios-nrpe packages tries to remove
> /var/lib/nagios when this is empty.
> While no regular files are removed, this is the homedir of the nagios
> user which is not removed and which is also possibly still used by other
> packages (e.g. icinga-*) which uses the nagios user, too.

If I remember a discussion on debian-devel right, such home directories should
just stay where they are (or at least let dpkg handle this by shipping the empty
directory and using dpkg-statoverride to give it to the nagios user in the



 Bernd Zeimetz                            Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 http://bzed.de                                http://www.debian.org
 GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485  DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

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