[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#831531: icingacli shows only enabled modules

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Sat Jul 16 22:40:13 UTC 2016

Package: icingacli
Version: 2.3.4-1
Severity: normal


When just calling icingacli it gives e.g.:
# icingacli 
USAGE: icingacli [module] <command> [action] [options]

Available commands:

  help            Help for modules, commands and actions
  module          List and handle modules

Available modules:


Global options:

  --log [t]       Log to <t>, either stderr, file or syslog (default: stderr)
  --log-path <f>  Which file to log into in case of --log file
  --verbose       Be verbose
  --debug         Show debug output
  --help          Show help
  --benchmark     Show benchmark summary
  --watch [s]     Refresh output every <s> seconds (default: 5)

Show help on a specific command : icingacli help <command>
Show help on a specific module  : icingacli help <module>

The Section "Available Modules" does however only list the enabled
modules, not all the ones available, e.g. it misses the doc
module here.


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