[Pkg-nagios-devel] monitoring-plugins /usr/lib/nagios directory

Blerim Sheqa Blerim.Sheqa at netways.de
Mon Jul 25 09:38:48 UTC 2016

I agree that there may not be technical reasons for this change, but people who write software that uses these plugins do not want to be identified with nagios. In my opinion they should not be forced to just because of some directory or user names. In fact, monitoring-plugins itself is not connected to Nagios in any way. The other problem is, as I said before, users are getting confused by the fact that they are installing product X and get references to product Y on multiple places.

What about creating a symlink "nagios -> monitoring-plugins", so everyone gets enough time to migrate their stuff?

> On 22 Jul 2016, at 14:41, Alexander Wirt <formorer at formorer.de> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jul 2016, Blerim Sheqa wrote:
>> Yes, I understand that it would break hardcoded stuff. Creating a symlink would solve this issue and is not very hard.
>> Preventing new users getting confused each and every time is a great benefit to me. Furthermore, monitoring applications don’t want to get compared to Nagios forever just because of age-old hardcoded configs. Same goes for the nagios user, but this isn’t the topic here.
>> Is it only you maintaining the monitoring-plugins packages or are there also other opinions on this?
> There are others, but we had this topic in the team a view times.
> Alex

Blerim Sheqa
Senior Systems Engineer

NETWAYS Managed Services GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
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http://www.netways.de | Blerim.Sheqa at netways.de

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