[Pkg-netmeasure-discuss] Scamper out of date

Marek Küthe m.k at mk16.de
Thu Dec 28 17:43:23 GMT 2023


I wanted to find out if Scamper can be updated in the Debian
repositories? The current version is cvs-20230614d. In Debian, however,
there is still a version from 2021. Furthermore, there is still a link
to the old website https://www.caida.org/tools/measurement/scamper/,
which now redirects to https://www.caida.org/catalog/software/scamper/.
I also submitted an MR
several months ago to update Scamper, but without an answer.

Could you take a look at this?

Marek Küthe

Marek Küthe
m.k at mk16.de
er/ihm he/him
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