[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#479741: please create packages for all the applications included in the original nvidia driver

Jordi Pujol jordipujolp at gmail.com
Tue May 6 12:21:05 UTC 2008

Package: nvidia-kernel-source
Version: 169.12-1 and others
Severity: normal

There are other applications that should be required for the 
installation of the nvidia-kernel driver.
The Nvidia driver of Debian has an excellent operation, but suffers the lack 
of the complementary applications that are not installed as a package 
requirement neither maintained at the same time.  

Downloading the Original Nvidia driver from the Nvidia web site and installing 
it also installs the applications nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings, that 
procedure should be the same with the Debian source package,

Observe that the original application nvidia-xconfig remains with the version 
number 1.0 although its code is changing with the time, and also observe that 
the application nvidia-settings is different for each version of the driver.
We can verify it in:  

Now the Debian package corresponding to nvidia-xconfig contains obsolete code 
because has not been brought up to date since 20070502, right now should be 
dated 26 feb 2008

likewise should exist a Debian package of nvidia-settings corresponding to 
each version of the driver. Now there is only one package of nvidia-settings 
dated 20070502 and not specifies the corresponding driver version.

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