[pkg-nvidia-devel] nvidia in testing

A Mennucc debdev at tonelli.sns.it
Mon Oct 20 11:53:32 UTC 2008


I am happy to see that both the nvidia "legacy" 96.43.07-2 and current
173.14.09+3 entered Lenny. Thanks and kudos.


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 09:59:40AM +0200, A Mennucc wrote:
> hi,
> I see that there are no nvidia packages in testing.
> Did you ever ask for a freeze exception to debian-release? (I see no
> such email in archives).
> IMHO it would be nice to have nvidia stuff in Lenny.
> Is there a specific reason to keep nvidia out of Lenny?
> a.

Andrea Mennucc

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