[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#533515: [Patch 2/8] shlibs cleanup

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sat Jul 4 02:01:36 UTC 2009


here is a revised version of my previous patch to cleanup the shlibs
handling. It incorporates all changes suggested in replies to my
previous patch and also introduces new updates to the recent changes
regarding the ia32-libs package split in sid.
The override updates and most libvdpau updates are excluded here, they
will be sent as separate patches.

Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Short summary:
>  * no more hardcoded library dependencies, everything is generated
>  * more consistency between all packages

Detailed list of changes:
> * debian/control.in[source]
>   Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6.0.7~)
>     bumped, for dh_lintian
    Build-Depends: libc6-dev-i386 [amd64], ia32-libs [amd64]
      added, these were missing
    - add all split ia32-lib* packages needed
    - there is still an alternative build dependency on
      ia32-libs (<< 15) [amd64] to allow building under squeeze and
      lenny (the *-ia32 packages won't be installable in that case due
      to the libc dependency introduced in the emul/ia32-linux
      transition, but everything else should work fine)
> * debian/control.in[some packages]
>   - add Section: non-free/libs, Section: non-free/libdevel
>   - drop hardcoded library dependencies
>   - add ${misc:Depends}
> * debian/control.in[nvidia-libvdpau{,-ia32}]
>   Depends: x11-common
>     removed, not needed (for libvdpau)
>   Suggests: nvidia-settings
>     removed, not needed (for libvdpau)
>   Recommends: nvidia-kernel-#VERSION#
>     added (and only recommend it, so the package is installable in
>     chroots that don't have a kernel installed)
>   Suggests: nvidia-kernel-source (>= #VERSION#)
>     added (for consistency)
  * debian/control.in[nvidia-kernel-source]
    Recommends: module-assistant
      added (see #533217)
> * debian/nvidia-glx-dev.links.in
>   - removed comment which resulted in invalid symlink being packged
  * debian/nvidia-glx-ia32.links.in
    - add a libGLcore.so.1 symlink
> * debian/nvidia-glx.shlibs
>   - xlibmesa-gl is now libgl1-mesa-glx
>   - nothing but our libGL.so.x.y depends on libGLcore,
>     so no libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1 is needed there
  * debian/nvidia-glx-ia32.shlibs
    - added (based on debian/nvidia-glx.shlibs), there was none before
      for libGL.so.1 I use:
      libGL 1 ia32-libs (<< 15) | ia32-libgl1-mesa-glx
      (hopefully ia32-libgl1-mesa-glx is the correct package name,
       ia32-libs-tools failed to build this package last time I tried,

       I'll retry this with an updated version later)
> * debian/rules
>   - drop dh_shlibdeps hacks, options, workarounds -- this now works
>     out-of-the-box :-)

The patch does not include the update for debian/control which can be
regenerated by debian/rules clean

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