[pkg-nvidia-devel] Retiring

Randall Donald randy at khensu.org
Wed Apr 28 19:35:16 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 21:22 +0200, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> I don't see any technical problems removing them, so it's as simple as
> filing a bug. 'reportbug ftp.debian.org' can help you with that. But if
> you don't want to, I can do it.


> > I'll have to ask the team what they want to do with
> > nvidia-graphics-legacy-71xx-modules-i386(-amd64) 
> That would be great then. Before nothing happens, please orphan them
> properly (or tell me, then I'll do it).

Please orphan them. I'll CC the packaging team so that they can pick
them up when required. 

Thanks again.

Randall Donald             randy at khensu.org
http://www.khensu.org    rdonald at debian.org
Programmer/Debian Developer GnuPG: 6C27DEAB

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