list of supported IDs

Ronny Standtke ronny.standtke at
Mon Sep 5 14:21:14 UTC 2011

Hi Andreas

> Backporting the drivers should become easier very soon. Both
> nvidia-graphics-drivers (280.13-2, uploaded today) and fglrx-driver
> (1:11-8-2 in SVN, not yet uploaded) contain instructions for backporting
> in readme.source and a prepare-squeeze-backport target in debian/rules
> that performs the necessary changes. The nvidia legacy drivers will be
> updated in a few days.

That's great, thank you very much again!

> In your solution you renamed the kernel module from nvidia.ko to
> nvidia_${VERSION}.ko and load this explicitly from the script.

Yes, that's the current simple and stupid solution to prevent conflicts
between the kernel modules of the different nvidia driver generations. I
am sure that there are other, more elegant solutions.

> Have you tried what happens if the module is not yet loaded and
> loading is triggered by starting X? Does this still work?

I just tested this by commenting the modprobe command in our detection
script and now X fails to start because the nvidia kernel module can not
be loaded... as expected.

Best regards


Ronny Standtke                 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Dozent Medienpädagogik / ICT   Pädagogische Hochschule
Telefon: +41 32 628 67 08      Obere Sternengasse 7
Mobil  : +41 79 786 81 82      4502 Solothurn

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