295.xx or 302.xx?

Tomasz Rybak tomasz.rybak at post.pl
Thu Jun 21 10:49:00 UTC 2012

Dnia 2012-06-21, czw o godzinie 12:27 +0200, Andreas Beckmann pisze:
> Hi,
> freeze is coming and we need to decide which nvidia driver we want to
> have in wheezy.
> there is the "long lived branch" 295.xx and
> the "short lived branch" 302.xx (which finally came with a "release")
> in terms of hardware support both are identical, but there is a whole
> bunch of new features and fixed (and probably bugs, too) in 302.xx
> Any suggestions?

How with support for Kepler in both drivers?
I assume that while now GK* cards are expensive and thus
not popular, they'll get cheaper and will become more
popular. I, as user, would want to have drivers supporting
hardware I own or plan to buy. This would suggest
uploading 302.x to Wheezy.
From personal experience I have been using 295.x on laptop (with 9400M)
and 302.x on desktop (with GF104) and have not noticed any
problems with 302.

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak <tomasz.rybak at post.pl> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860
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