Please help: looking for squeeze system using the 173xx legacy drivers

Russ Allbery rra at
Fri Jun 22 19:55:21 UTC 2012

Andreas Beckmann <debian at> writes:
> On 2012-06-21 19:33, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Unfortunately, I don't think I have a good way of testing this, since
>> my recollection is that this version doesn't support the current
>> server.  I think I'd have to downgrade all of X on that system to
>> stable, which sounds daunting.

> Never mind.

> If there is anyone else on this list with a squeeze system using the
> legacy-173xx drivers, I need your help to test an update for stable!

If you know off-hand how to get X started in a chroot, I could try to
build a stable chroot and do it that way.  The system is weirdly creaky in
a bunch of ways, unfortunately.  :/

(I can confirm that the current unstable versions work great, which of
course doesn't really help.)

Russ Allbery (rra at               <>

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