nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Fri May 25 18:47:49 UTC 2012
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/libcg_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/libcggl_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-dev_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-doc_3.1.0013-1_all.deb
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013-1.debian.tar.gz
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013-1.dsc
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013.orig-amd64.tar.gz
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013.orig-i386.tar.gz
to non-free/n/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013.orig.tar.gz
nvidia-cg-toolkit (3.1.0013-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Andreas Beckmann ]
* Adopt package. (Closes: #649514)
* New Maintainer: Debian NVIDIA Maintainers.
* New Uploaders: Miguel A. Colón Vélez, Russ Allbery, and myself.
* Move packaging git repository to pkg-nvidia:
* Acknowledge l10n NMUs. (Closes: #610093)
* Update Lintian overrides.
* Review, reorder, and simplify the packaging.
* Add XS-Autobuild: yes.
* Use Breaks/Replaces: nvidia-cg-toolkit (<< ${source:Version}) to allow
upgrades from old monolithic packages in Ubuntu and from NVIDIA.
* Document a possible package build workflow in README.source.
* Error out early if the .orig-*.tar.gz are not unpacked before build.
[ Miguel A. Colón Vélez ]
* New upstream release 3.1.0013 (April 2012).
- Since release 2.1 the upstream license allows redistribution, so convert
the packaging from an installer package (in contrib) to a set of
packages: nvidia-cg-{toolkit,dev,doc}, libcg, libcggl (in non-free).
(Closes: #506494, #539418, #502457, #639857)
* Remove installer script, debconf translations and related dependencies.
* nvidia-cg-toolkit.preinst: Run installer script in uninstallation mode
before upgrade.
* Convert package to 3.0 (quilt) format.
* Add watch file, get-orig-source target, and README.source.
* Use two pristine upstream tarballs (*.orig-{amd64,i386}.tar.gz) and an
empty *.orig.tar.gz (via create-empty-orig in debian/source/options).
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* Update copyright file as per DEP-5.
* Bump debhelper to (>= 9) and compat version to 9.
* Simplify the rules file by using the dh helper.
* Change Section from contrib/libs to non-free/libs.
* Update the README.Debian file and Homepage.
* Add build dependencies for cginfo and cgfxcat.
* Compile cginfo and cgfxcat instead of using the prebuilt binaries.
- Ensure the hardened LDFLAGS are used.
- Link cginfo and cgfxcat with --as-needed to reduce library footprint.
* Don't strip the prebuilt binaries since stripping may violate the license
(modifies binaries).
* Use the manpages from version 3.0.0016 for the binaries in the
nvidia-cg-toolkit package. They got removed upstream in version 3.1.0010 but
are still included in the Cg Reference Manual.
- Fix a spelling error in cgc.1 (compatable -> compatible).
* Add multiarch support.
* Create the libcg and libcggl packages.
- Unfortunately upstream provides libraries with an unversioned SONAME.
- Use Multi-Arch: same.
- Breaks/Replaces old nvidia-cg-toolkit and libcg.
- Create the libcg.symbols and libcggl.symbols files.
- Create *.postinst/*.postrm according to Debian policy 8.1.1.
* Create the nvidia-cg-dev package.
- Use Multi-Arch: same.
- Depend on the new libcg and libcggl packages.
- Breaks/Replaces old nvidia-cg-toolkit.
* Create the nvidia-cg-doc package.
- Breaks/Replaces old nvidia-cg-toolkit.
- Don't compress the examples (Makefile, *.h, *.c, *.cpp, *.cg).
- Don't include the license.pdf/license.txt files since a verbatim copy is
included in the copyright file.
- Don't include the Microsoft Visual Studio files.
- Don't include architecture dependent files. These files can be
recompiled by the user since the sources are included.
* Package nvidia-cg-toolkit:
- Change Section to non-free/devel.
- Depend on the new libcg, libcggl and nvidia-cg-dev packages.
- Suggest the newly created nvidia-cg-doc package.
- Update description using the latest information from the Nvidia website.
* {libcg,nvidia-cg-doc}.postinst: Manually remove /usr/lib/libCg.so and
/usr/lib/libCgGL.so. Due to the removal of the /usr/lib64 symlink, the
installer script does not remove these files.
[ Russ Allbery ]
* Add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes.
Override entries for your package:
libcg_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb - extra non-free/libs
libcggl_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb - extra non-free/libs
nvidia-cg-dev_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb - extra non-free/libdevel
nvidia-cg-doc_3.1.0013-1_all.deb - extra non-free/doc
nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013-1.dsc - extra non-free/devel
nvidia-cg-toolkit_3.1.0013-1_amd64.deb - extra non-free/devel
Announcing to debian-devel-changes at lists.debian.org
Closing bugs: 502457 506494 539418 610093 639857 649514
Thank you for your contribution to Debian.
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