Nvidia Packaging

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sun Sep 28 09:04:48 UTC 2014

On 2014-09-26 16:00, Graham Inggs wrote:
> Please see attached proposed patches for the following issues:
> E: nvidia-visual-profiler: description-is-pkg-name NVIDIA Visual Profiler
> E: nvidia-cuda-gdb: description-is-pkg-name NVIDIA CUDA GDB
> E: nvidia-cuda-toolkit: description-is-pkg-name NVIDIA CUDA toolkit

looks good, go ahead!

> W: nvidia-cuda-doc: embedded-javascript-library

missing comma in d/control

should be in the override_dh_auto_install target

nvidia shipped jquery 1.9.1, debian has 1.7.2 - is this a compatible
replacement? also there are more jquery related scripts, some explicitly
marked as modified:

  jquery.ba-hashchange.min.js: * Modified 2013-5-24 CUDA: remove browser
sniffing for jquery 1.9.1 compatibility

also in iceweasel console I see jquery related js errors if I manually
replace jquery.min.js

so I think we should postpone the jquery part for now, needs more testing

do you have anything ready for help2man? or anything else that should go
into 5.5.22-6?

Otherwise we should upload this soon (and push it to wheezy-backports
once it reaches testing) and I'll merge the changes into 6.0 to continue
the work there ...


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