Bug#807579: [CUDA7.5] patch version 5

lumin cdluminate at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 02:06:11 UTC 2016

In short, current state of CUDA 7.5:

* build: OK
* check --list-missing: OK
  P.S. a list of missing files is located at d/list-missing.amd64
* lintian: 0 Error + some Warnings.

* build: unpack OK, fail at dh install,
  beause *.in are not updated for ppc64el


nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.5.18-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release 7.5 (Sept 2015). (Closes: #807579)
  * Append myself to Uploaders.
  * SOVERSION bump: 7.0 => 7.5, rename all library packages and
    bump alternative virtual B-D to libcuda-7.5-1 .
  * Use a hack to enable GCC-4.9 and above to work with CUDA.
  * Add python3 scripts to automatically fix the lintian warning 
    "manpage-section-mismatch". And hence add python3 to B-D.
  * Override dh_strip_nondeterminism to do nothing. (Thanks doko)
  * Update description for libcusolver.
  * Install missing manpage "nvprune.1".

  + [amd64]
  * Update *.in templates, and remove the "#MISSING" lines
    in *.symbols.in . (Thanks doko)
  * Override more lintian warning.

  + [ppc64el]
  * Add ppc64el support for all packages, which is available since 7.0 .
  * -----------------------------------------------------------
  * [done] I have checked --list-missing for amd64. 
           missing files are listed in d/list-missing.amd64
  * -----------------------------------------------------------
  * [todo] remove patches.
  * [todo] update rules.defs for driver version, and download links
  * [todo] add ppc64el .install.in and ... files

!!!!!!!! and don't forget to merge EULA .....

And orig.tar.gz have these contents:


orig.tar.gz is of size 2.1GB
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