testing packages against nvidia-cuda-toolkit 7.0

Tomasz Rybak tomasz.rybak at post.pl
Mon Jan 18 19:50:45 UTC 2016

W dniu 15.01.2016, pią o godzinie 22∶44 +0100, użytkownik Andreas
Beckmann napisał:
> On 2016-01-09 20:53, Tomasz Rybak wrote:
> > I've tested PyCUDA and it works without a problem with CUDA 7.0.
> > What's the plan now? Will you upload CUDA 7.0 to unstable,
> > or (based on lumin's work) wait for 7.5?
> I have not decided, yet, but neither will happen before I have caught
> up
> with the drivers.

I've seen your other emails - so next week at the earliest then?

> > I'm asking because there's Python 3.5 transition (for which I'll
> > need
> > to build and upload PyCUDA myself), so I'd like to plan
> > accordingly.
> That transition is ongoing. If all you need is a binNMU to pick up
> the
> updated dependencies, I can do that, you don't have to do a sourceful
> upload unless you have other changes or a new upstream as well.
> (I would build the binNMU locally (with the +b1 binNMU suffix), like
> I
> do for other non-free packages from time to time, since these cannot
> be
> built on the buildd network.)

Thanks for proposal.

I've looked at the transition and it looks like there is no need
to rebuild anything - package can provide Python 3.4 and Python 3.5
bindings. Current transition is only about changing default Python
version - so there is nothing I need to do.

So I'd like to upload newer version of PyCUDA myself. Most probably
I'll just upload package in current git state - only removing i386
related stuff and maybe rewording NEWS entry.
As soon as you upload CUDA I'll build and upload PyCUDA.

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

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